Thursday 22 September 2016

Jinn Good Jinn Ring

 Legendary  Djinn / Jinn Creature Ring For fertility 

Are you trying to get pregnant? Do you want to have your own children? Do you want to have a healthy pregnancy? Banish infertility & bareness with a powerful magic rings for fertility
Legendary Djinn / Jinn Creature Rings  

Djinn Ring For Winning government  Tender.

Magic ring for  winning tenders and contracts  is the only solution for your dreams to come true, This is the chance for you to set up you life for ever in your finance.

Djinn Ring For Protection Against Evil Spirits.

Spiritual forces to protect your life contained in a magic ring for protection. Protect your self from evil forces, spirits & bad energies. Magic rings for wealth & money to make you rich Magic rings for love & lost love to fix a love problem. Magic rings for power & strength.
These magic rings have been used by pastors business people, politicians and students to be successful in what they do & increase your influence. I have love talisman, money talisman, luck talismans, lottery talismans, love amulets, money amulets, luck amulets, lottery amulets, lost love talismans, gambling amulets and healing amulets and talismans.

Jupiter is the best planet for wealth, prosperity and good fortune. He is also associated with spirituality, philosophy and wisdom. These rings are very special as their signets were cast precisely at the astrologically auspicious time for Jupiter according to the rules of traditional (pre-1700) 
 astrology and the key sources of ancient astrological magic.

Djinn Gambler's Ring
If you truly wish to be one of the lucky ones to win big in the lottery, at the gaming tables, in love and in life, you must possess the legendary Gambler's Djinn Ring

Al-Kursi Ring of Blessings with Bismillah

Complete control over your life.
Powerful magic to fulfill your desires.
Djinn spirits that serve and obey the master of the ring.
Gain authority over your enviroment and events in your life.

I am now able offer one of the finest magical artifacts available for sale that you will have the chance to purchase. Many that study any tradition of magic have heard of the legendary ring of Solomon. There are many rings that are made claiming to be the replica of his legendary ring. I have seen many but have easily dismissed the sigils and symbols of such rings as inventions of non knowledgable dabblers. 

Ring of Djinn Summoning 

This beautiful ring, hand crafted is made of pure sterling silver and a large beautifully engraved black Oynx. This ring is from an antique ruhani book on magic from Iraq. The ring is crafted to aid all magical practitioners in the summoning and working with djinn and other spirits. The engraving is an ancient powerful Ruhaniat talisman using the name of God, along with words of power that spirits obey.By wearing the ring, you will find summoning and evocational rituals to be more rewarding and fulfilling, you will experience the djinn or other spirits on a whole new level. The ring allows the wearer to more easily command spirits to appear and have the spirits cooperate safely with the practitioner.The ring acts as a protection aide for summoning spirits and a great tool for grounding the practitioner during and after long magical procedures.The ring is designed to be charged with a special mantra that helps the wearer to see djinn while wearing the ring. Becoming aware and being able to see djinn will be a quite shocking experience to anyone as the djinn are truly everywhere in our world.The practitioner may also charge the ring using the ancient Berhatiah Oath, further opening the door way into the realm of the angels and djinn, experiencing first hand their spiritual and magical powers.I recommend this ring to experienced magical practitioners as a tool to take your magical practice to a whole new level! With the ring, I will include all information about using the ring as well as the special mantra for seeing djinn and the Berhatiah Oath. 

Female Emperess Marid 

Previously owned by a professional athlete to help him in his career. With an upcoming retirement, he has decided to give up the ring as he is no longer in need.  Ideal for anyone who simply wants strength, power and career dominance. 

Male Emperor Marid 

One of the strongest djinn available to the public.  He was previously owned by an Indian Maharajah to help conquer and rule over parts of India and Pakistan.  This djinn was part of a royal family for nearly 500 years before he landed in our family.

711,000 King Marid Djinn!~Riches~ Wealth~Happiness~ Abundance~ Millions FAST 

This Haunted Extreme Money Multiplier Luxury Wealth Ring is one that truly reaches into the deepest and most passionate realms of the Paranormal World. Until now, this is Powerful Ancient spell has only been available to the Elite and those born into families of the Wealthy or within the Witching Community. It is a Sacred casting of the Highest Power that brings Ultimate Wealth, Fortune and Financial Abundance. Sacred Luxury Spell has brought Millions to those in need for Centuries.

Haunted Spirit Orb Master of the 7 Gates Djinn/Genie Ring ~ Psychic Gifts, Speak to the Dead, Gain Wisdom, Boost Intellect!

This item has been Handcrafted with care by our Coven Sisters and our Elite Brethren to bring you the most Powerful and potent Metaphysical item available on Etsy! We use only the most Sacred forms of Ancient Magick, just our ancestors used centuries ago! Guaranteed Results or your Money Back!Haunted Spirit Orb Master of the 7 Gates 

Djinn Genie Ring of Unlimited Psychic Gifts

This Magnificent item is inhabited by a Sacred Genie of the Highest Class and Power! This Djinn shall invoke the Paradox of the Circle of Gaignon (Key of the 6th Sun). Invoke the Great Spirit of the 7 Gates and Gain all that you Desire! You shall be given the Gifts of Ultimate Psychic Power. See, Feel and Hear Spirits. Speak to the Dead. These Paranormal Gifts shall be Unlimited. Learn Sacred Knowledge you never knew was possible. There is no limit to the Rewards you shall receive!
Imagine being able to interpret the energies that exist around you all the time, but that you normally cannot detect!! 
With this beautiful ring you will be able to:
interpret cold spots.
interpret drafts.
know what causes tingling sensations.
Hear whispers from beyond our realm.
See orbs.
See mists.
See images in mirrors.
Interprety vivid dreams.
See visions.
Implant thoughts subliminally.
Experience enhanced intuitive processes.